8 best nail art practice hands

Here are the best practice hands for nail art. These practice hands are exactly what you need for nail art that uses acrylic powders, gels and polishes.

If you are trying out a new design idea to create custom nails or learning how to apply acrylic powder, silicone practice hands are excellent for perfecting your designs.

The good news is that the quality of practice hands just keeps getting better and better. The high end ones, like the silicone models look very realistic, especially when you are taking pictures of your nail art.

Practice hands come in many skin tones too. So you can pick the best skin tones that works with the nail art design that you are going for. 

The silicone practice hands have never looked so real, you can even adjust the fingers into a natural position. Choose silicone practice hands with just fingers or go for a fully casted hand for the ultimate photo ops.

Best practice hands for nail art

1. Silicone Practice Hand

You can practice your nail art easily with this high quality silicone hand. This hand checks off all of the boxes above and it can be reused over and over without damage as long as you are careful not to dig into the silicone with your nail drills or files.

You can move and adjust your silicone hand into any natural position and keep it there. This makes it easier and more natural during your nail art practice and for your nail photo shoots.

2. Nail Practice Hand With Stand & Tips

A kit that comes with the hand, a stand and also some nail tips to practice nail designs with. This company makes their hands with quality silicone and the hand stand allows you to rotate and bend the hand.

That’s going to be super helpful for nail art DIY’s tutorials and filming for you IG and YouTube channels.

3. Practice Hands In Many Skin Tones

When you need different skin tones to practice on, this listing has many different tones from super light to very dark. The fingers will bend naturally so if you need to position them for their beauty pictures you will be able to do that easily.

You can directly insert your nails into the nail bed, and then design patterns on the nails. But if you want your nails not to slip off, you can use acrylic glue to stick your nails on the nail bed.

4. Practice Hand Kit

The hands from this brand are great for anyone looking to practice nail art from a beginner to a nail technician. The flexible and moveable mannequin lets you practice new techniques or fine-tune existing ones with the utmost precision, allowing you to perfect your craft with ease.

The practice nails are highly durable and provide a great base allowing you to practice as if using real nails.

5. Pro Silicone Hand

Silicone practice hand are great when you just need a quick DIY idea for swatching nail colors for your Instagram. These pro hands look just like the real thing.

6. Realistic Silicone Practice Hands

These hands are very realistic and have a wrist and part of the arm for your photos to be more realistic.

7. Full practice set

One of the best places to get nail art supplies is at this shop on Amazon. This is a fantastic set for beginners to practice with.

8. Budget Friendly Hand

If you are not sure that you want to invest in a quality hand, then try a budget friendly hand first. These are not realistic looking but they will serve the purpose of practicing your nail art designs.

Practice hand tips

1. Silicone Is High End

Look for quality hands or fingers that are made with silicone or high end materials. The good ones have been casted from an actual hand so they are as real looking as you can get.

2. Choose your skin tone

Practice hands or fingers will come in multiple skin tones. You can purchase them as single hands or some companies offer a whole set of colors.

3. Multi purpose

Look for hands that can be used for nail polish and also forms. You will want the cuticle to have enough room so that the form or fake nail sits in the cuticle area realistically. The quality hands will have a slot for the nail tip to slide into.

4. Plastic hands are budget friendly

Plastic hands will be less expensive than silicone. The plastic hands do not usually look realistic and they sometimes have a shiny finish on them. 

5. Bendable fingers

Fingers should be able to bend. Choose practice hands that have the ability to bend the fingers in a natural way for your videos and photo shoots.

6. do not file the hand

When using gel or acrylic directly on your practice hands or fingers, avoid prepping the nail. Do not file the hands.

The best way to use silicone practice hands is with nail tips. You can insert them up into the cuticle so that they look natural.

Before using any kind of practice hand make sure you apply a peel off base coat so that the design pops right off more easily. There’s many peel off base coats here on Amazon.

💖 Did you find your perfect practice hand? We hope so!

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